Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Obama's Sordid pals Pt.2-Odinga Sotero

The most sordid and violent of Obama's associates is his own cousin, Odinga Sotero of the Luo tribe in Kenya. Sounds like something from a Tarzan movie doesn't it? Odinga is Barack's cousin. Barack's real name is Barry Sotero. Obama is from his second father who was muslim and gave Obama the muslim name Hussein. Odinga was running for president of Kenya and hoped to put it under Sharia law. Obama even endorsed him over there. Check that out my friends. Obama endorsing someone who wants to put his country under Sharia law. Think about that. Odinga lost by 200,000 votes and bloody riots ensued. In one report Odinga locked Christian parishioners in a church and burned it down with them in it. Obama still keeps in touch with his cousin. Unrepentant terrorist , William Ayers, would accuse me of "guilt by association." You're damn right I'm going to associate guilt with him with a cousin who burns Christians. I'm not saying Obama would condone such an act, but the fact that he supports a cousin who wants Sharia law and commits violent,terroristic acts against humanity makes me suspicious of Obama himself. So if you are watching the inaugaration and you see or hear the name Odinga, you know that is the guy who burns Christians. These facts can be verified if you just google Odinga Sotero.

A few nights ago on Hannity and Colms, Sean had a panel that included democratic pollster Doug Schoen. Sean asked Schoen if any of these Obama characters like Rev.Wright, Louis Farakhan, Wm. Ayers etc., would be prominent now and be seen with Obama. Schoen assured Sean that these people were in Obama's past now. We shall see Doug. We shall see.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Obama's sordid friends: part 1 William Ayers

Now that Obama has been elected president, his sordid friends are starting to speak out. The first is William Ayers who did an interview with Chris Cuomo on Good Morning America on Friday. For those not familiar with Ayers, he was a radical leader in the 60's of a group called The Weather Underground.They were an offshoot of an anti-Vietnam war group on college campuses called Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The weathermen took their name froma Bob Dylan song that said " You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." Dylan was not associated with them in any way though. I was in college in Minnesota at that time and remember the group bombing the pentagon, bombing the U.S.Capitol and New York Police station in which two cops were maimed. I don't remember Ayers by name now, but I do remember his wife Bernadine Dorn like yesterday. She was also a campus radical and spent some time in prison for being involved in a brinks car robbery where two guards were killed. Later on Obama's wife worked with her in Chicago.

In his interview Ayers said he didn't consider himself a terrorist because terrorists target people and they (the weathermen)targeted instituitions and he didn't kill anybody. What a crock and spin that is!!!!!! People were maimed at the NY police Station he bombed and three of his compatriots died when making bombs. A terrorist in my book is anyone who explodes any device in a building where people are. He said his group wanted to bring the war home to show people a lesson and in true liberal fashion he blames the United States as the bad guy saying the U.S. committed thousands of terrorist acts in Vietnam like they are doing in Iraq today. Excuse me Bill, but when the U.S. left Vietnam that government collapsed under the communists and thousands were slaughtered and Pol Pot in Cambodia slaughtered two million people because we weren't there to protect them. Ayers reiterated his claim that they didn't do enough then just like people aren't doing enough to end this war he said.

When Chris Cuomo asked him about Obama starting his campaign at his house, Ayers shot back that he was asked to host a coffee for him that night and Obama visited about twenty homes that night. He says he's a good friend of Obama's in his book yet Obama says he barely knew him. That's another crock since they both served on the same board for five years and gave speeches together. They would have to know each other pretty well, especially since Michelle Obama worked with Ayers' wife and they went out together and babysat each other's kids. Pretty good for someone who as Obama says is "just a guy from the neighborhood." Some literary critics have analyzed Ayers' writings and Obama's books and they are strikingly similar in style lending creedence to the fact that Ayers ghost wrote Obama's books since he himself is no literary genius or writer. Ayers also dedicated his and Bernadine's book "Prarie Fire" to Sirhan Sirhan who murdered Robert Kennedy. I wonder how Ted and Caroline feel knowing this schmuck dedicated a book to the guy that killed their father,brother and Uncle and is friends with the guy they support. Ayers went on to say that critics have tried to associate him with Obama using fear tactics and guilt by association, but the American people didn't buy it. Well 58 million people voted against Obama so someone must have brought it. Besides I was always brought up to believe that a person is known by the company they keep and Obama doesn't keep very good company. In following blogs I will continue to write on Obama's other sordid pals like Tony Rezko, Louis Farahkhan, Rev.Wright and Father Pfleger and his murdering, Christian burning cousin, Odinga Sotero. Yes indeed a person is known by the company they keep.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Memorial to Marty

It was with Great sadness that I heard of the passing of fan favorite and WW11 veteran Marty on Sean Hannity's radio show. Marty always would call in at the end of Sean's show with his sharp comments on the events of the day. Marty always appeared at Sean's freedom concerts and I had the priviledge of taking several pics of him with Sean. Sean always sent a limosine for him and his family to come to the event and would always send Marty a big basket of fruit and other goodies at Christmas and his birthday. Like many vets who saw action in war, Marty was reluctant to talk about his experiences storming the beaches of Normandy. When Sean asked him once all he said was "We lost a lot of guys that day Sean." Once when I saw Marty at Sean's Freedom Concert here in New Jersey Sean asked him if he wanted to tell some stories about his experiences and he replied,"I don't want to talk about it Sean. I saw too much." Marty was 90 years old and will be missed. RIP MARTY